City of New Westminster

City of New Westminster

CIP Award Winning - Urban Forest Management Strategy

Diamond Head developed an Urban Forest Management Strategy and new tree bylaw for the City of New Westminster. The plan defines the 20-year strategic objectives for the urban forest and guides best management of trees on public and private land. The project team worked closely with City staff, Council and the public to develop community supported targets for future canopy cover and the tree management bylaw. The plan identifies 38 actions to be implemented over 20 years to reverse the trend of canopy decline and increase canopy cover from 18% to 27% by 2035. The City plans to plant 10,000 trees in 10 years and has adopted the new tree bylaw to regulate removal of trees on private and City-owned land towards meeting the plan’s strategic objectives.

Since the Strategy was adopted, DHC has supported New Westminster on the implementation. This included the development of a Technical Appendix to the Strategy to define tree planting and tree care standards, as well as co-hosting workshops with City Staff to update their procedures for work conducted near trees.